Saturday, September 1, 2007

-:: Be Careful with this.. ctr+c & ctr+v ::-

Hi all,

We all copy various data by using ctrl+c /Copy for pasting elsewhere.
This copied data is stored on clipboard and is accessible over the net by a combination of Javascripts and ASP.

Just try this:
1) Copy any text by ctrl+c
2) Click the Link:
3) You will see the text you copied on the Screen which wasaccessed by this web page.

Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, creditcard numbers, PIN etc.) in the clipboard while surfing the web. It is extremely easy to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information. If sufficient data is stored by mistake it would give away confidential and important information without you knowing about it.

To avoid this, follow these steps:
1. Go to internet options->security
2. Press custom level
3. In the security settings, select disable under Allow paste operations via script.Now the contents of your clipboard are safe.

Pass this information on to create an awareness of the same.

Enjoy Browsing.

Source:- Can be found on lot of blogs and forums.


Unknown said...

Hi sir,
nice presentation !!! some tips are already written here.
I think u don`t know me... i m mayak from softdot inst. add me by mail id..
i m on gtalk...
....pleses send me ur mail id......


Deepak said...

Thanks for showing your Interest in my Presentation. You are most welcome any time for any kind of support.

and plz avoid ctrl+c / ctrl+v...:)

Rakesh said...

Thanks for leaving your impression on my page.
Well, you are doing a nice job by creating some awareness about the internet and their do's and dont's..

Nice article.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the info...will definitely be careful from now on...!

Deepak said...

Rakesh :
Thanks for stopping here!

Thank you so much for being there!

Jyoti said...

oh! you are doing a lot to increase your's and others knowledge..! keep it up

Deepak said...

Thanks....i will.

Unknown said...

OMG !! is it possible???

Deepak said...


ya ofcourse... u may check it from the posted URL site...
so avoid it...:)

Anonymous said...

hmm, seems like nothing is hidden in this technology world..
Thanks for sharing..

Lukkydivs said...

technology specially computers-i have got no comments :D :P

thanx a ton for dropping by :)